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Programs We Fund

Annually the Evesham Education Foundation and district administration collaborate to target current year funding based on the greatest areas of need. Below is a summary of programs and/or tools that have received funding in the past.


Coordinated Arts Program for Primary Students (CAPPS)

Evesham Township School District’s Coordinated Arts Program for Primary Students (CAPPS) is a four-week summer program for selected pre-kindergarten students. The program is designed to provide opportunities to develop social readiness and academic skills with incoming kindergarten students who have a demonstrated need as determined during the spring kindergarten screening. CAPPS integrates art, music and creative dramatics with skills in literacy and mathematics. Areas of focus also include development of gross and fine motor coordination, oral language and social interaction.


The Metamorphosis Program

The Metamorphosis Program is a middle school summer enrichment program designed for selected students who have just completed their sixth-grade year of middle school. This district-wide program is designed to help students to enrich their school experience as they enter into their seventh-grade year. The primary goals of the program are to enhance the social growth and development of participating students, increase communication skills, develop positive self-image, and strengthen positive peer relationships. The Metamorphosis Program meets five days a week for four weeks each summer. The program is interactive and centers on weekly themes that include various creative activities such as art, music, drama, and other related areas.


Supplemental Counseling Program at Middle School

This program focuses on mental health by providing supplemental counseling services to middle school students with an identified need. Students have the opportunity to speak to the counselor privately or in a group setting. If a counselor feels further assistance is needed, they provide referral resources for students and their families, helping them to understand what services may be needed and how to obtain them.


Literacy and Math Support Program

The purpose of this program is to provide targeted instruction to selected students entering first, second, third, or fourth grade who would most benefit from additional literacy and math support in the summer months. Students receive instruction through the district’s balanced literacy and math models in small groups that are no larger than f ive. Reading, writing and word study skills are integrated into each literacy session, and conceptual understanding and fluency infused into math sessions. Students are recommended for this program based on spring reading and math levels, along with teacher recommendation.


Tier III Enrichment

EEF supports a weekly supplemental pull-out program utilized to enhance daily program offerings for students that are identified as gifted. The goal of this instruction is to bring gifted students together, by grade, to collaborate and offer them opportunities for project-based learning that extends beyond their grade level expectations during the school day. During the summer, EEF also supports a district-wide summer enrichment program for identified Tier III students. The purpose of this program is to bring together gifted and talented students from across the district in order to provide enrichment course offerings. Courses are designed around 21st Century Life and Career Standards and integrate STEM and/or Humanities.

Other Initiatives